Happy Thursday y'all!
How is February almost over?! January was an amazing month but this February might beat it! With a wonderful Valentine's Day with my beau and my mom coming for a visit last weekend, it sure has been grand so far!
This month I have been really into wearing my Valentine inspired colors...to the point that people in the office have taken a notice to all my pink blouses, sweaters and dresses. Making todays post a bit of a conundrum, when it comes to fashion I love switching up on a dime! One day all bright and fun Lilly prints the next is a mod black and white get up. It feels like playing dress up but instead of a ballerina tutu and princess crowns, I switch my girly dresses for a bit more edgy mix.
Mixing patterns and playing with textures has become me favorite way to a style lately, with the goal to take some risks and explore fashion past my normal comfort zone. (Side note I bought two chokers this past weekend...I feel pretty freak'n cool!) When mix and matching I find it best to keep something similar so in this case I picked all black as my base to have fun with.
This outfit I paired my leather sleeved top with a textured/patterned (is a velvet texture done in a pattern calling a texture or a pattern??) pants. Aka the most comfortable combo, y'all know how I am about comfort... if it doesn't feel like pjs then why am I wearing it. To accessorize I went with my cute outfit guaranteed Kate Spade black suede pumps. Have you ever had a pair of heels that makes you feel like Cinderella because it fits your foot so well?! These shoes are it for me. To top it off I rediscovered my elephant scarf (Thank you Beth! See my post about her here).

I challenge everyone to be bold and to be you! Wear what makes you feel awesome!