Hello y'all!
Do you ever get the sudden urge to bake? Well I do and today I made sugar cookies. Maybe it was the blah weather outside or the need to try out my cookie stamps but I could not help myself!
While making them I thought why not share the joy of my baking not only with my co workers on Monday (if I do not eat all before then) but with you!
The recipe comes from my mom, I honestly have no idea where she got it but we have used this recipe to make sugar cookies since I can remember. The sugar cookie has a tendency to be over sweet and often dry but this recipe gives a perfectly sweet cookie with a nice consistency.
Usually I will pair the cookie with a simple buttercream or royal icing but because I wanted to use the stamps, so I went with, a very March appropriate color, of emerald green sprinkles. The stamps are Kate Spade and I found them on sale at Belks several weeks ago and I can no longer find them on the website but Kate Spade does have some adorable cookie cutters still available (Here).
Now these are not a cookie for anyone on a health kick! There is nothing health about them, other than possibly your mental health due to the pure happiness cookies bring to the world.

1 cup of Sugar
1/2 cup of Crisco
1/4 cup softened Butter (unsalted)
1 teaspoon vanilla or almond extract
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon of salt
2 1/2 cups flour
Step 1.
Cream to together the sugar, butter and crisco.
Step 2.
Add in the vanilla/almond, eggs, baking powder, salt and flour. Make sure to mix after each addition.
Step 3.
Once all ingredients are mixed well, knead the dough into a large ball in the mixing bowl. Then cover the bowl with plastic wrap and chill in the fridge for at least one hour.
Step 4.
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. After the dough is chilled, take the dough out of the flour and onto a floured surface. Roll the dough to about 1/4 an inch thickness. Cut with desired cookie cutters and place on a greased baking sheet. If you are also using a stamp this is the time to stamp the cookies and add sprinkles!
Step 5.
Bake for 6-8 minutes. Let cool and decorate!

I hope you have a sweet week and remember you are "One Smart Cookie"!