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Relaxing during the Holiday Season


Hello, Y'all!

December has already been a whirlwind and it is only the 5th! With holiday party planning, end of the year projects at work, Christmas decorating, Christmas shopping, and trying to increase content on Southern'spirations things have gotten a bit wild. To be completely honest I always live with a certain level of stress and I strive when my schedule is packed to the brim, but I have started to realize how unhealthy this stress has become. My face has been breaking out, I have tension headaches, and my sleep cycle has been off. I needed to make a change. It's so easy to become overly stressed during the Holiday season, but I have been focusing on having free time for relaxing and taking a mental break. Which makes finding ways to relax this holiday season top priority! That is why I am excited to partner with Camille Beckman to share how I am trying to destress this holiday season.

One of my favorite ways to relax is a warm bath filled to the brim with bubbly goodness! I try my best to think about nothing and just enjoy the moment. Camille Beckman's French Vanilla Bubble Bath is the perfect holiday twist to my soap smelling (is that a smell or unscented?) bubbles. The scent is at the perfect intensity like fresh sugar cookies coming out of the oven. What is more relaxing than a sugar cookie bubble bath?? If you are not a bubble person then I highly recommend with their Wellness Bath Soaks. They have several different packets, I personally love the Full Relaxation and Skin Soothing. Think bath bomb but better!

Another way I love to relax is by getting a mani-pedi. Right now it isn't really feasible to spend the extra time and money on something like a manicure so I opt for a little at-home treatment. Camille Beckman's Foot Therapy, in Frosty Mint, and their Glycerine Hand Therapy makes my at-home mani-pedi into a real spa like moment. Now when I really want to relax I take a bubble bath, put on my pjs, and then finish off the relaxing night with a mani-pedi while drinking hot chocolate and watching a Christmas movie.

I want to say thank you to Camille Beckman for sharing these amazing products with me and for helping me stay a little less stressed this Holiday season! This year I challenge you to relax and take some time to listen to your favorite Christmas soundtrack while soaking in a French Vanilla bubble bath. Trust me, those Christmas cards can wait an hour:)

Blessings from Birmingham!

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