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Decluttering Holiday Decorations


Hello, Y'all!

I don't know about y'all, but every year it seems that my Christmas decorations multiply. Each November, yes November, I take the tubs full of Christmas decorations out from under the bed and the top of the closest to make the apartment into a Southern version of Santa's workshop. Then every January I grab those same boxes and start filling them until the next year, but it never fits the same way. Probably because every year I find cute new decorations or several new ornaments. But never the less, I was determined this year to clean up my Christmas hoarding act and decided to share my thought process with you. When putting decorations away this year, I chose one of three things: store, donate, or trash it. Below is a flowchart of my thought process I used to decide the final destination of each item. The flowchart theme is holiday decorations, but the same method can help declutter the rest of your place! Why not start the year off on the right foot by decluttering!

Happy Decluttering!

Blessing from Birmingham!


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