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Fall Bucket List 2018 {Fall Wallpaper Downloadable}


Hello Y'all!

So it is finally less than 90 degrees outside I feel that I can finally write and share my Fall bucket list. And oh man I have a lot to cram in into this season!! This list consists of activities I would consider Autumn traditions but also a couple of new things to try.

Another significant and silly thing on my Fall Bucket List this year is to find the best Pumpkin Spice Latte in the Low Country area. I had the idea after ordering one form a local coffee shop and realized none of them taste the same! Some taste like a latte with a little syrup, while others taste like pumpkin pie. I decided to take it upon myself to find the best Pumpkin Spice Latte. No worries I plan to blog about the whole experience before the season is up. Oh, and I expect to have categories and everything, like the real deal! If you have a favorite Charleston coffee shop, let me know!!

I love the tastes and flavors of Autumn hence the PSL taste testing, but I want to go past the classics and learn a new recipe or two. Maybe a new pumpkin dessert or a dinner dish, I haven't figured out what yet but I can tell you my Pinterest boards have plenty of ideas to keep me content.

Luckily not all of my bucket list involves eating. I can not wait to go on some Autumn adventures and share them with all of you! When it comes to Halloween movies, I love the classic, non-scary, movies. Talking such film as Hocus Pocus, Halloween Town and don't forget about Harry Potter! Currently watching Halloween Town as I edit this post!

Oh, happy Fall! What is on your Fall Bucket List?

Click the image below to download your own Fall Wallpaper!!


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