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What I am Loving... October 2018


Hello y'all!

I would be lying if I said life has been easy breezy the last couple of weeks. October has been a season of change and adjustment, with helping my parents move into their home and just settling into this new chapter, but with that, I have found some new things I have been loving!


I was gifted the "100 Days to Brave" devotional by Annie F. Downs and have loved this addition to my nightly routine during this time of adjustment. I highly recommend starting it!


I jumped on the fall trend train with my new wool floppy hat. Trying a new Fall style trend was on my bucket list and I found several affordable options on Amazon! The one I bought is linked HERE.

I have loved my Jack Rogers booties again this year, I picked up a new pair during a mass sale this summer but finally able to enjoy them! Here they are and a couple of my other faves! And some are on SALE!!


I have loved the "investigation" for the best Pumpkin Spice/ Fall latte! We haven't done enough research yet, but I can't wait to share our faves before the season is over!

This October isn't over yet, but it has been a crazy month, I am looking forward to a calmer couple of weeks to work on the blog and enjoy some upcoming craft projects. Make sure you are apart of the Southern'spirations family by subscribing!

Shop this Look!

Blessing from Hartsville!


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